Revised Genuine Student Requirements and New Financial Capacity for Student Visas

Financial Capacity

Genuine Student Requirements:

​​As of the 23 March 2024, the Genuine Student (GS) requirement have replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for Student visas.

This change, announced as part of the Australian Government’s Migration Strategy on 11 December 2023, applies to all Student visa applications lodged on or after 23 March 2024.

The amendment aims to clarify the assessment of a student’s genuine intention to study in Australia and remove confusion about expressing a desire to migrate. Student visa applicants will no longer need to satisfy the GTE requirement that they intend to stay in Australia only temporarily.

The GS requirement acknowledges that post-study pathways to permanent residence are available for eligible graduates. International students with qualifications obtained in Australia can provide a skilled workforce ready to address skill shortages in the country.

This change also aims to help the Department identify non-genuine students seeking to enter Australia for purposes other than study.

The GS requirement focuses on assessing the student’s genuine intention to study in Australia, considering factors such as the applicant’s circumstances, evidence of course progression, immigration history, compliance with visa conditions, and other relevant matters.

The GTE requirement will still apply to Student Guardian visa applicants.

New Financial Capacity for Students:

​​​Starting 10 May 2024, the required financial capacity for Student and Student Guardian visa applicants have increased.

The updated financial requirement will now be based on 75 percent of the national minimum wage. This adjustment aims to better reflect the amount of money necessary to ensure a minimum standard of living while studying in Australia, considering that students are typically out of session for 25 percent of the year. During this time, they may return home or have access to unrestricted work.

International students who can demonstrate they meet this new financial capacity requirement will be better equipped to make informed decisions about their future. This change aims to reduce the likelihood of students experiencing financial distress in Australia, breaching their visa conditions by working more hours than allowed, and being vulnerable to worker exploitation.

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